Lot’s Wife: Knock Over the Salt Doll

lot's-wife-salt-doll“Lot’s Wife: Knock Over the Salt Doll” is a new game I made up for my kids to internalize the story from Genesis 19. Lot and his family were living in Sodom, and every single person in the city was wicked. They surrounded Lot’s house and began breaking down the door to physically assault the people in Lot’s house.

Two angels struck the people from Sodom with blindness. The people from Sodom said that Lot was judging them, and they were hateful, even though they enjoyed injuring other people. This is why God was going to hail down fire and brimstone from heaven on them, destroying the entire city.

The angels grabbed Lot, his wife, and his two daughters, who ALL hesitated and didn’t want to leave. They were commanded to not look back. Lot’s wife didn’t care about obeying God. She turned her head back to the disgusting wickedness that she loved, and God turned her into a pillar of salt. This happened at the same time that fire rained down from heaven.

An easy craft to internalize this story is to dip a doll in glue, then dip her into salt. Now stand her up, and try to knock her down with a cardboard bolt of lightning. Go ahead and watch this short video to understand how to play the game “Lot’s Wife: Knock over the Salt Doll.”

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8 Responses to “Lot’s Wife: Knock Over the Salt Doll”

  1. Donna Ward says:

    Great post for teaching our children and bonding with a fun project – Most importantly the learning lessons. Thank you 🙂

  2. Maryann says:

    Glue and salt, probably your childrens’ newest favorite craft items, imagine all the possibilities. Very creative.

  3. Adelien says:

    Just yesterday we talked about Lot in our bible study. I am also a homeschooling mom. We have morning bible study everyday. Need to adopt your idea. Thank you for sharing.

    • Susan says:

      It’s hard to explain the story of Lot to children, but this is one way to teach kids not to look back on sin that they’ve repented of.

  4. Kimberley says:

    Hi Susan,
    Wonderful ideas for children! As a Nana I am always looking for fun activities to do on the weekends with my 9 year old grandson and his friends. And as a former teacher assistant in Canada. I think your 31 Bible crafts are ideal for me to use to reinforce my grandson and his friend’s faith in our religious beliefs. These crafts are much more meaningful then holiday or just for fun crafts. Most of all the bonus they will receive having fun as well! Kudos! To you what a wonderful creative Mom you must be to your children. Thank You! For such creativity!!

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