Posts Tagged ‘Daniel’

Fiery Furnace Craft

Thursday, October 17th, 2013


You can bring the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the book of Daniel to life by making this fiery furnace craft. You will need the following items:

  • shoebox
  • black paint
  • pencil
  • red, orange, and yellow card stock paper
  • hot glue gun
  • school glue
  • scissors
  • tape
  • red cellophane
  • three (or four) small toy men
  • flashlight


Paint the shoebox with black paint, and let it dry overnight. Using a large flashlight as a stencil, draw a circle in the bottom of the box. Make sure the box is on its side. Stab your scissors into the middle of the circle, and cut the circle out. Tape red cellophane over the hole on the outside of the box.


Cut out flames from the red, orange, and yellow papers, and glue them together with school glue. Hot glue the flames to the bottom of the box. Now place your three toy men into the box.Your fiery furnace craft is complete.

Tell the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego from the book of Daniel, adding a fourth toy figure at the end of the story. Yes, Jesus Himself showed up in the fiery furnace to protect these men from being killed.

Through this story, God shows us that we do not need to be afraid when we obey God. These men refused to bow down to any other god, and even though it infuriated the king, they obeyed God. They trusted that God could save them from the furnace, “but even if He does not, we will not bow down to you, O king,”they said.

The furnace was so extremely hot that the people who threw them into the furnace died from the heat. This was a miracle. God rules the universe. He controls every atom, and fire does not burn unless God says so. We can trust God, that He will help us through difficult times through His presence with us.

Sign up below for a free printable e-book of this Bible crafts series!

If you enjoyed this fiery furnace craft, you will love Using Simple Costumes and Props to Teach the Bible. You receive this 2-hour video for free when you sign up for the Unit Study Treasure Vault, which has an enormous Bible section that you will love!