Your Days Are Numbered

your-days-are-numberedOne day it started drizzling as I was driving down the freeway. The roads were slick and slippery. This was back when I lived in Texas, and I was single. I must have been going too fast for the driving conditions, because when I put on my breaks, my car started spinning out of control. It was one of those surreal, slow-motion moments where I knew I was going to die. The car was going way too fast not to slam against the concrete median. But miraculously, it was as if an angelic hand stopped my car abruptly. According to the laws of physics, I should have died that day.

There I was, facing the wrong way on the freeway, off to the side in the middle, you know, where there is not enough space for a car to fit. Cars were flying by at 65 miles per hour. In a shocked daze, I stupidly got out of my car and looked incredulously at the intended point of impact. There was not a scratch on the car. “Get back in the car,” was my only thought.

I got back into the car, looking at the cars zooming so fast in my direction that I thought I was going to be killed. Oh, this entire time, I was crying out to God, I forgot to mention. Miraculously, four lines of traffic slowed down and came to a complete stop to allow me to make a U-turn on the freeway.

When I got home that day, I knew I wasn’t supposed to be alive. I knew God had spared me for some reason. Sometimes when you think your life is over, it’s just the end of one chapter, and there’s lots of book left to read. It was just one of those moments when you ask yourself, have I completed all that I was set on this earth to do? The answer was no. And if you are still alive on this earth, you still have something God requires of you in this life, too. What that is, is up to you and God, but make sure you are fulfilling what God set you on this earth to do, not just letting life go by and wasting it. Because in just the flash of an eye, at any moment, your life could be over. Your days are numbered.

“Teach me to number my days, that I might present to Thee a heart of wisdom.” Psalm 90:12

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4 Responses to “Your Days Are Numbered”

  1. Jenilee says:

    HAve you heard that song “It happens in a blink…” This post is about what that song says. So important to think about these things. Thanks for linking up a post!

  2. Susan Evans says:

    No, I’d never heard of it. I googled it and watched a Youtube video of the song, and you’re right; it’s all about numbering our days. Whenever we have a near brush with death, it gives us a sobriety that causes us to choose what we do with our time more wisely. At least it should.

  3. Janet says:

    Wow! I’ve hydroplaned on the interstate and ended up hitting the concrete median and stopping backwards in the middle lane. God was watching over me and all the other drivers coming at me that day, too. Puts things in perspective, doesn’t it.

  4. Cammie says:

    I’m stopping by from the blog hop! 🙂 Wonderful post, I too made it through an accident that should have killed me. I was 20 and driving a friend home who had too much to drink. I was driving her car through heavy rain and lost control (and was going UNDER the speed limit by quite a bit). We spun out, in to a deep median that ran between the two directions of the highway, went *around* a light pole (we should have hit it) and came up on the other side of the highway facing the wrong direction. It’s a very scary experience and surely reminds you that our days are numbered. Thanks for sharing! 🙂
    Love and Blessings~

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