Don't Fight Over Finances

This one-hour audio is my testimony of how I went from stressing out over finances to feeling a supernatural peace in the face of impending bankruptcy. It's possible to have joy even when you're spiraling deeper into debt. And you are in control of how you treat your spouse, even when he disagrees with you about finances. You will hear some surprising truths in this audio that you won't hear anywhere else!


Here is one testimonial about this audio: “I just want to thank you and your husband for this audio on finances, 'Don't Fight Over Finances.' I can't tell you how MUCH it blessed me tonight. I am going to listen to it again and again. It applied to SO many areas of our lives. We have had financial problems our ENTIRE marriage – just various reasons. We are working on getting out of debt now. Your word that God will help us really encouraged me. It was wonderful.

I loved the story of praying to go away with your hard-working, haggard, stressed-out husband who needed a break. WOW. I am praying that now, too! You addressing the area of bitterness toward your husband for finances was so powerful (and convicting!) Also, your words to submit sweetly were convicting, lol. (not easy—that's another story!)

I love how you said that God can help you even when you are drowning in debt. It was so encouraging how you prayed for different things—your face in the carpet—and God would just GIVE you things, the size 4 shirt, and other things.

Thank you so much for this. It is so anointed and I LOVED it. Each time you would start to cry, I would tear up, too, and when you laughed, I'd start laughing. You are SOOO funny, so loving and compassionate! Thanks for such a treat tonight – I really needed it!”

Beth Jones
Christian speaker, Author, and Life Coach
"Equipping women to hear God's voice, unlock their gifts, and pursue their passion"